Cost of Doing Business
Highly-Cooperative, Low-Cost Government in Noblesville, Indiana
Government can either get in the way of doing business, or it can make business easier. In Noblesville, the elected officials and government agencies fully grasp the importance of a thriving business community. Their collaborative efforts aim to provide businesses with the necessary resources for growth while eliminating obstacles faced by expanding companies.
These supportive attitudes are further reinforced by a robust county government and Indiana’s renowned reputation as a business-friendly state. Through attentive approaches and a strong focus on business initiatives, such as the right-to-work status, our community and state have witnessed remarkable growth. Despite enjoying comparatively low taxes, Indiana has managed to maintain a stellar AAA credit rating, highlighting its financial stability and credibility.
Doing Business in Noblesville
The City of Noblesville has achieved a remarkable AA rating, reflecting its commitment to excellence recognized by Standard and Poor’s. With the combination of attractively priced land and buildings and competitive workers’ compensation rates, it’s evident why numerous companies are drawn to this location and thrive with success in their endeavors. The foundation of Noblesville’s prosperity lies in its impressive accolades and favorable business environment.
Many relocating companies note their reason for choosing Noblesville:
- Quality of Life
- Cost of Living
- Thriving Economy
- Ease of doing business
- Low cost of doing business
- Convenient transport for import/ export and commute
- Available land and room for expansion
- Reasonably priced land in comparison to the US average
- Existing business community
- Growing workforce with continued secondary education and partnerships through Ivy Tech, Purdue University, and Indiana University
#1 Best State
in the Midwest for Business
Top 10
Cost of Doing Business
Top 10
Best Infrastructure
Corporate Capital Gains Tax
AAA Credit Rating
State Credit Rating
State of Indiana
#3 in Nation
Pharmaceutical Manufactured Exports
Top 10
Fastest Growing City in Indiana
Top 5
in 10 best places to live in Indiana
City’s Population
Labor Force Participation
Noblesville Facts & Rankings
- Indiana is a Right To Work State
- Noblesville Tax Rate Map by County (
- Noblesville Township 2024 District Rate 1.8361
- Noblesville City 2.7021
- Noblesville Delaware- HSE 2.6067
- Noblesville Wayne 2.5976
- Noblesville Fall Creek 2.5726
- Indiana Unemployment Insurance
- New employer rate: 2.5%
- Taxable wage base: 9,500
- Indiana Workers Compensation
- Wages & Labor Force
AA Rating
Bond Rating from S&P
(City of Noblesville)
Corporate Income Tax
(Indy partnership)
Indiana Personal Income Tax
(of federal adjusted gross income)
Corporate Capital Gains Tax
Personal Capital Gains Tax
Hamilton County Residents
Hamilton County Tax Rate
State Income Tax
Indiana Sales Tax
Are you interested in relocating your business?

City of Noblesville

Hamilton County, Indiana